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Monday, November 15, 2010

Problems and fix for

Since the launch of the website, which was discussed in a previous article, several problems seem to have arisen. XDA forum user "apprentice" claimed to have the following issues with the website portal:

"I can't remotely call the phone
It fails to load contacts
Does not correctly report my location (or sometimes incorrectly states Phone Finder not enabled)
Lock phone does not work
Have had problems deleting my account to start all over again.
It won't send text messages"

In other words many of the functions available to Desire HD and Desire Z users through the website fail to work.
Others XDA users claimed to have the same issues regarding the web portal. Many of them also contacted HTC, but the responses they received did nothing in the way of solving the problems.
However, XDA user "007K" claims he has a solution to get it working:

" Yes, HTC is now fully working on both pc and DHD.
This is what worked for me:

1. Reinstall locations completely on DHD
2. Then remove HTC account from PC first the DHD
3. Register for a new HTCsense account. Use a new email provider.
4. Log in + sync DHD"

The reason for why the website is having problems is probably because of the relative short time since the launch. However, this is not a valid excuse, because if there are bugs or glitches with something it should not be launched until it has been sorted out. If there is something I have learned by following the smart phone industry it is just this: that phones and software are repeatedly released before they are ready, causing problems and frustration to the consumers.

Nonetheless, I hope it is just a matter of time before HTC gets around to solve these issues, letting users take advantage of the website to the fullest.